10 of My Travel Necessities

We all have those things we can’t leave home without. But when I am leaving home on a big trip, there are some other essentials that I double check are present and packed.

  1. Google Maps (which also means my phone!)

    A great travel hack is to save the attractions and restaurants from the Coffee to Cork itinerary as “favorites” or “starred places” within the Google Maps app. Even when you do not have access to Wifi or data, you will still be able to open the app, view your GPS location and follow the map to your next destination.

  2. iPad

    For you this may be a book or music, but my iPad is my source of entertainment on planes, trains and car rides. I download e-books, shows and movies before I leave for a trip to allow for options later on when needed. I even have a Poker app for when I am digging a little competition!

  3. A deck of cards

    Having a deck of cards, especially when traveling with a group, allows for constant fun in pubs, on trains and at home rentals. Card games can come in handy for friendly games to pass the time, a night long tournament or drinking games. I find it even gets conversation flowing!

  4. Travel outfit

    Every time: Nikes, black leggings, solid colored t-shirt, neutral colored sweatshirt, large scarf, sunglasses. I call it “travel chic”. 

  5. A Jacket

    Whether I am headed to Hawaii or Canada, I have some type of jacket: winter-parka, jean jacket, rain coat… I always come equipped because I have a below average body temperature and freeze my butt off even in 60-degree weather! I guess my advice here is to know your body.

  6. Sunglasses (multiple pairs)

    You may think I bring multiple pairs as a fashion statement, but that is far from the truth. I pretty much break every pair of sunglasses I own within 10 times of wearing them. I am notorious for this on trips when I carelessly throw them in my bag. So you will find me sporting pairs I found on sale at LOFT. $20 baby!

  7. Reusable water bottle

    Fill ‘er up! About six times a day for me, at least! A few reasons to drink water while traveling: 1) keeps you alive and healthy 2) helps your dehydrated skin look lovely 3) fights fatigue. A few reasons to bring a reusable water bottle: 1) saves you money 2) reduces your carbon footprint 3) it’s convenient. The exception to the reusable bottle is when you are in a country that doesn’t have clean fountain water.

  8. Facial products

    I am not about to tell you my face routine because I am truly a believer that every person on this planet should have personalized products based on their skin composition, diet, geographical location, etc. Which has not happened yet; therefore, I have not perfected my routine. Nonetheless, you will not find me staying overnight somewhere without my facial products. But ugh… anyone else dread the 15 minute get-ready-for-bed routine??

  9. Partner in crime

    I enjoy company when I am on trips. A travel partner is another set of eyes and ears, someone to make memories with, an avenue for conversation and a safety net. Some people jet set on their own, and that’s cool too! But unless it is work travel, or I am meeting up with someone, you will most likely find me with a buddy.

  10. Coffee to Cork itinerary

    The one and only! Don’t forget your morning to evening itinerary with a focus on doing, eating and drinking, which leads to seeing. Use the editable templates to create your own adventure or print it out as is. You can also reference an on-the-go version via mobile at CoffeetoCork.com. Enjoy!

Happy packing! 

xo Jamie | Coffee to Cork